Piotr Sapiezynski
Data Scientist
Northeastern University
I audit online platforms and their algorithms for issues surrounding fairness, security and privacy, and human autonomy. In collaboration with other researchers, journalists, and NGOs, we bring about real-world accountability. Our findings on Facebook’s use of personal data without consent were a part of a record $5B dollar settlement with the FTC. The DOJ settled with Facebook over issues we documented, in the first ever case where the federal government challenged algorithmic discrimination under the Fair Housing Act. We briefed Members of the House Financial Services Committee on discriminatory effects in ad delivery. I also presented at a public hearing to the European Parliament on price differentiation and negative effects of personalization in political advertising.
I also teach algorithm audits through college courses and at conference workshops. Some of the teaching modules are available at inspectelement.org.
Connected Programming
[ Berlin, Germany ]
REAL ML 2019 workshop
A residential workshop for public interest researchers investigating the social impacts of algorithmic systems