Elizabeth Watkins


Sociotechnical Research Scientist




Elizabeth is a Sociotechnical Research Scientist at Intel. She works in both internal AI risk assessment around principles such as transparency, explainability, privacy, and human oversight, and also conducts original empirical research on trust and safety in intelligent systems.

Her training is in human-computer interaction, STS, usable security, and organizational sociology. She’s also an affiliate with the AI on the Ground group at the Data & Society Research Institute. Before Intel she held a a Postdoctoral Fellowship at the Center for Information Technology Policy and the Human-Computer Interaction group at Princeton. She holds a Master’s degree from MIT and a PhD from Columbia, and has worked, consulted, and collaborated with research centers across academia and industry including the Princeton Visual AI Lab, Parity.AI, Perceptive Automata, Harvard Business School, MIT, and Google. She’s published groundbreaking research at venues including CHI, CSCW, FAccT, and AIES, and has served as an Area Chair at NeurIPS. Her research has been featured in WIRED, MIT Technology Review, and Harvard Business Review, and she’s provided input on artificial intelligence policy to the Mayor’s office of New York City, the White House Office for Science and Technology Policy, Canadian Parliament, and to the UN.